From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Watching Eastenders in Ayr? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

The day got off to a fine start with the Solihull Web Portal still not working! One of the first things I do when I get to Ayr and am working from here for the week is get my laptop out, let it gurgle away to itself updating files etc. and than I try the link to my work.

No joy Saturday and none on Sunday either. I wasn't very optimistic first thing this morning either. I disturbed my current manager while he was eating his porridge and it was soon established that loads of things were out of action! At least I was able to watch the morning news reports about the 'Yes' campaign being in the lead. It's all getting very exciting and I am getting the real feeling that when I next come up here at the end of the month, I will be walking into an independent country.

By 9am, things at Solihull were looking better and with a sigh I went back to my laptop...

Mom wandered off to the shops and brought me back a sausage roll from Greggs for lunch which I had requested earlier. I was just getting ready to log off after 3pm when a very grumpy school inspector rang me having problems getting into Oracle. I was very polite which is hard for me and reset his password a couple of times but he was still having trouble. I insisted he reboot his machine to kill off all old sessions but he was adamant he was far too busy to do that!

I told him that was fine but he'd have to manage without using Oracle until he did have time to reboot his machine and that I would speak to him tomorrow. I can hardly wait.....

I wandered up the road a bit later into a lovely Ayr afternoon and sat in Wellington Square watching seagulls for a little while before popping into Boots for hair conditioner. I look a bit wild today! Needless to say, I didn't stay out long and headed back for my favourite dinner of Richmond Irish Sausages (the thin ones), egg and chips with HP sauce.

Frank sent me a text later to tell me that the Twa Dugs up the road was being featured on Channel 4 News. Praise be for the iPad! Mom was watching bloody Eastenders. I cannot understand why people in Scotland watch a London soap! If/when Scotland is independent, I think watching Eastenders should be made impossible to watch as well as illegal.

Anyway people in the Twa Dugs were drinking pints of 'Yes' and 'No' and were being asked about their choice. At least I saw it, thanks to Frank!

Track? I've said it before but when it comes to the beer, I prefer 'No' but here is the band Yes with a song that isn't called 'No' - Time And A Word

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