Where There's a Beer...

…There's a way.

It seemed important to publish this picture of OiLMan enjoying a beer in order to strengthen the impression I have perhaps already hinted at…that we are finding unique ways to drink a lot of wine and beer! This odd little bar is inside Whole Foods, a grocery store which claims to be devoted to healthy eating and organic foods.

We went today because we were nearby on a fruitless mission to find sealer for our concrete patio table. (It seems to me that it should have been sealed when we got it, but it turns out that there is a bewildering array of sealers…perhaps at least a little fact sheet to help us choose, and then to to find it?)

As I was making my way through the produce, OilMan skived off. Since he is a "list" man, he usually dedicates himself to shooting all over the store finding items on the list, while I wander about looking for inspiration. We drive each other crazy, which is why we don't often go together to the grocery store.

When I was finished with produce, I passed this curious little structure within a large, well lit store, and who should be ensconced at the bar with a Russian River IPA, but OM himself! I marched in there with my cart intent on removing him, but somehow wound up sitting next to him at the bar with a glass of wine! An older lady who came in after us ordered a glass of wine and a cheese plate, which arrived within minutes from the cheese department!

Odd as it was, I must say that the presence of this odd little bar, and our eagernes willingness to avail ourselves of its services, made the entire process of grocery shopping painless less painful.

Heaven knows if we got any of the things we went for….

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