Action packed??!!

OMG – today has been sooooo busy!!

This morning, after my walk, Jill (Ann’s sister who is staying with us) went out on her bike for a few hours. Ann did domesticated chores like going to Tesco, hovering up all my collie dog hairs, haven’t a clue why because the whole house needs hovering again, and defrosting the freezer which was very long overdue.

This afternoon I got taken on a 3 hour walk through the fields and back along the coast path. I found mud. Yay!! That meant when we got almost home to St Ives I got to have a swim in the 'secret rock pool'. It was fab!

………….But then, when we came back home from my long walk, Ann & Jill said, ‘Molly, you need to guard the house because we’re going down to Porthmeor Beach for a swim.’

Ann & Jill have gone a bit ‘swim crazy’. Honestly, they’re splish, splash, sploshing around in the sea more than me. Apparently it’s because St Ives is experiencing an ‘Indian Summer’ and they need to make the most of the good weather?!! And they need to do loads of exercise to justify the amount of Prosecco they’re drinking!!!

Apparently we’re all going on a big day out tomorrow and I might even get to go swimming with the humans. Yay!!!

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