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Daddy did nursery drop off so once I had sorted Charlotte's hair and waved them off, Wom and I headed back to bed. It was lush. I put BBC 1 on and watched Breakfast News. Wom had milk, crashed, had more milk and crashed some more.

Dressed and out to the pottery shop. Wom's foot was almost too big to go onto the mug! Popped to few more shops from here and then home for more cuddles and milk (trying to do as much skin to skin at the moment as is humanely possible to help with milk issues)

Cleaning fairy arrived so we headed out to Sensory. Got Wom weighed, he's bang on the 50th still which is reassuring after the slightly turbulent week we have had with milk and now weighs 15,7. Charlotte did not reach this weight until she was almost 9 months! Popped in to see a couple of mums from first baby group, good to see them and catch up, then back to collect Charlotte.

Proud mummy moment as she has been picked to walk into Upton to go and see the Tour of Britain Cycle Race go past. We get to see it from the lounge as it is going right past our house! Plan to go outside and see and hear all the razzmatazz that goes with it.

Bath, bed, Charlotte loves the cbeebies story time app at the moment so I let her play on that whilst Wom fell asleep having milk.

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