
By Norm

Evening Walk

I spent this morning playing at being a 'proper photographer' as a friend of mine who's recently taken over the Headship of a local infant school asked me if I'd come in and take some photos for their new school website. As it was a favour for her, I rather unprofessionally took Ted in with me - but he played so happily in the Reception class for most of the morning it almost left me a little tearful, thinking about him starting school in a few years. Sniff!

Emotions aside, I had a lovely time being back in a school. Whilst I love being a 'stay at home mum', and wouldn't change it for the world, a small part of me remains wistful for my days of being a teacher, of feeling competent and 'professional' - and of course having your very own class of children to guide, teach, mould; watch them grow in maturity as the year progresses, and build (mostly!) wonderful relationships with them.

The children in this school were lovely; friendly and polite, and a credit to their parents and teachers. They were super with Ted (one asked if he was my brother..!) and 6-year-old Phoebe even plaited my hair for me! I loved taking their photos and got, I think, I nice mix of informally posed shots, as well as more candid long-lens photos where they didn't realise I was taking them. Of course I had to do lots of editing once I got home, deleting those awful cheesy 'camera face' grins and daft poses that so many children launch into as soon as you turn the camera on them, sigh! Anyway, I hope my friend is pleased with them.

The day came to a slightly abrupt end when my DSLR suffered a small accident when Ted and I went into the staff bathroom... Let's just say it's drying out nicely and hopefully won't have suffered any permanent damage!

So a sun-flare-y evening walk round the lanes at 6pm. Ted started off riding his little trike, then Daddy took off his belt and towed him along with it, then finally Ted decided that looked like fun so he would tow it along himself! Here he is, approaching home after a 30 minute walk (which could have been done in 5 had it not been for the accompanying 2-year-old!).

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