Very Annoying Alarm Clocks

The early morning is not peaceful anymore, a couple of weeks ago this mob of crows (or ravens) moved onto our roof! Its hard to tell if they're crows or ravens and although I've researched it a bit I'm still not sure except to know that they are very similar!

In the image here you can see five on the streetlight and one in the air about to land and then two more in the background on the right on top of a street light. There are a few missing and in total I think there are about 15 that spend their nights on our roof. As its spring they seem to be quite busy being amorous and running around and around on the tin roof with their clickety claws grrrr!

They make their very strange birdcalls early in the morning and its such a strange sound to wake up to!! Imagine that call in the video link multiplied 15 times, its loud AND very grating!!

Hopefully the hot summer sun, when it finally arrives will drive them away, very hopefully!!

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