Och AYE The Noo

Well a day off today but an early rise tomorrow so out my bed for 01:20 hours for a 03:11 start with a drive to Glasgow Central and back then a trip to Dundee and back albeit only driving back from Dundee as I go up as a passenger, anyway I grabbed this shot down near to the Hawes Inn at South Queensferry of the Lion Rampant flag and a YES Saltire next to the Wee Highland regiment guy with his big hairy Busby hat as today on the news the 3 Stooges of Clegg, Cameron and Milliband along with others are descending on Scotland to try keep us in the Union with some wise words or some more scaremongering as the two recent polls this week have shown one poll at 51%-49% in favour of Yes witth the other showing 50%-50% so squeaky bum time for Westminsters finest leaders to come up and save the union call me scynical if you like but this smacks of sheer desperation from these leaders and I have said many times at work the biggest mistake to be made in this campaign was David Cameron's refusal to have Devo Max on the ballot paper my thoughts on this to my mates was that the Tory party have never ever wanted Scotland to have devolution and as the polls at the time of the signing of the Edinburgh Agreement two years back the percentage in favour of Independence was around the 21-22% had they put devo max on the ballot paper estimates were that Scots would have voted for it with at least 90% in favour but it wasn't and here we are as in my opinion Cameron has thought right No Devo and it will be a No vote due to the low percentage in favour of Indy but as a Scot who knows if were backed into a tight corner we will come out and fight for the cause and even I have been blown away by the grassroots campaign that has reinvigorated the Scottish Political scene with canvassing and town hall meeting going on daily all around the country and I don't think these guys coming up will do there cause much good as they are seen as toxic to Scotland then you have Farage coming up shortly along with the Orange Order march in Edinburgh the the BT campaign are quite rightly annoyed they are coming up so it certainly helps the Yes campaign and rumours abound that the Scottish Sun newspaper may be coming out as a Yes as well so I shall watch with anticipation on that front, on another note we had two recent polls done in seperate areas of Rosyth and the percentages after including don't Knows was 71% and 61% for Yes and seems to be growing but No complacency and the campaigning will last until 10pm on the 18th of September and that is my political blog for today what else happened today well I made dinner of smoked haddock fillets along with steamed veg and tatties now then movie for the day is "Highlander 1986" See Ya

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