CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Flowerpot Men

Bright, warm sunny day - summer is here again.

After Bible Study this afternoon I dropped one of the ladies off. Next door to her house I spotted these Flowerpot men in the garden. It immediately took me back to my childhood and the TV programme on Watch with Mother which featured these Men. I looked up a Youtube clip - you might want to watch it - it is only a short clip from the programme. It may stir memories for some (the show was first broadcast in 1953) and may produce a sense of amazement in those too young to have seen it.

I am too tired to make a sensible judgement on what it must have done to our minds - let's just say, it probably wouldn't make it on air today. You can make your own mind up - if you are not too busy trying to decide how you are going to vote on 8 days time!

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