Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Smile and the world smiles with you

Pre-requisites of being a part of our family......

- Define normal if you don't mention crazy or weird then that's not our normal
- Smile
- Love unconditionally
- Laugh
- Patience

Oh and a familiarity with locations of toilets ;)

I have spent another day sitting at the computer desk completing paperwork and making telephone calls.

I dropped the girls off at school and then took Aj to Playschool. Aj was fine until we parked at Playschool. I opened the at door to get her out and immediately I could see that she was beginning to get upset. She managed to hold it together until we were walking the path that leads to Playschool, at which point her tears flowed. It probably didn't help matters this morning when DM said "Mummy, is Aj staying at Playschool for ever and ever?" (in-front of Aj too!) I quickly replied with a "no", which was immediately followed by Aj saying "no, mummy pick me up, you pick me up mummy" Grrr, kids!! Well done DM, let's just add a bit of doubt into your little sisters mind, which by the way isn't coping to well with me leaving her as it is!

Needless to say, Aj stayed at Playschool, are really well, did loads of activities and had lots of fun.

R&P have had their final half day at school - they go full time as of tomorrow!! R didn't have such a good day today, she was asked to do something (work at the table), but she wasn't listening, then she was asked to get on with her work and threw a tantrum (missing her chair as she went to sit down whilst in her tantrum) because she hadn't listened as to what to do. It resulted in a R squawk and 15 minutes crying on the floor. Her teacher left her to it (as I have suggested because if you try to talk to her, she gets louder and can't hear you) and in the end P told her teacher that R might want her rabbit in her travelling bag, within seconds she was quiet and got on with her work.

It amazes me to hear the details of the relationship that R&P show when they're out and about. The fact that Pops knew how to calm Rubels down, shows her strength of character. They seemed to be on twin form tonight as they were doing silly things together; a "pinky promise"? Saying silly words to each other, that had no meaning but made each other howl with laughter.

I hope that our girls will grow to love and care for each other. I know to achieve that, Peach and I need to live that now and the girls will then adopt it is their own natural behaviour.

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