
This is another picture that I drew, but of Megamind the character. He's one of the few characters that inspire me, due to his quirky personality, his outlandish facial expressions, and his lack of common sense yet amazing intelligence. I'm not one to usually be inspired by something, let alone a character from a movie, but when it comes to this character, he inspired me so much, I had to draw him. It didn't take me long to draw this at all, only about ten minutes or so, but it took a couple of tries to get his eyes, his head shape, and his mouth onto paper without looking too disproportional. I'm planning on drawing him a couple more times (if I don't run out of paper in my notebook first) so I can eventually draw him with ease and without a picture to look off of. I hope that by doing this, I'll be able to study the emotions and actions that he does, so I can create a character with his same mannerisms, but make it all my own. Maybe in the future I can use my new character to create my own movie, who knows?

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