
This is just a picture of a recent comic I am wokring on. The characters are mine, but they are based off of characters from a musical called "The Book of Mormon". This is a scene from one of the songs in which one of the characters gets extremely angry within seconds, then calms down again, and I found it to be funny, so I thought I'd draw it in a comic. "The Book of Mormon" and drawing both have their importances to me: "The Book of Mormon" being one of the few musicals that I really love, and drawing being one of the only things that I am good at. Both of these are so important to me, that it is my dream to either become a graphic designer or to be a performer. This is only the third comic I've ever drawn, so I'm really glad that it's turning out well. If the finishing product looks good, I might decide to draw more, but into a series instead of just one comic. I hope to finish this by the end of the day, or at least by the end of the week.

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