Love and a Mustard Seed

By MySunAndStars

Day 31: Bathing Beauties

One of these brightly colored bathing boxes of Brighton beach can be yours, starting at a bargain price of $200,000 AUD! We were lucky to get a glimpse inside of one and its rich owners, 'cuz what else would you do would 200 grand?!

Our first day in Melbourne was spent touring the city with its many eclectic neighborhoods that are reminiscent of various US cities like San Diego, New York, or Denver. There's a racing circuit around a park, penguins by the pier, an observation wheel, and alley cafes galore, which are easily accessible via the city's free trolley system or convenient trams.

My friend's relatives were happy to host us, which is a good thing 'cuz we spent a lot of money in New Zealand and Australia is more expensive! We are missing the warm beaches of Tahiti 'cuz it's definitely winter down here!

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