A visit from Canada

We met Tracy and Ian when we all lived in Belgium, but they moved back to Canada last March, a few months before we moved back to the UK. We've stayed in touch and about a month ago I got an email from Tracy saying that Ian had to go to Paris on business and she was tagging along and could they come for a visit.

They flew into London yesterday and travelled down to Brighton today and are staying with us until Sunday morning. They they get the Eurostar to Brussels where they've got a few days before heading onto Paris, then Lisbon.

I booked a table at the French restaurant in Rottingdean tonight where the food was fantastic as usual. It's lovely to see them and we had a lot of catching up to do! Tomorrow we're taking them into Brighton, it's the first time they've ever been so they're looking forward to it.

Anyway, it's the weekend, hope you have a good one!

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