Tooth fairy is coming to town

What a day.

Helena got up with a tooth ache and headache, on top of that she had a tummy ache. I didn't particularly feel good either, so phoned Dentist for app and our GP for double app, it was a time to sort things out.

I called an emergency sickie with my line manager and was ready to roll for a day.

Here Dentist is extracting H tooth that is being pushed by the other/new one, she did well :)

Then later in the afternoon GP visit left us with sick leave note for stress (2wks off) for me, and H with a referral for blood test for Liver functions, urea, electrolytes, coeliac disease antibodies and full blood count, (phew) + she's got to take Paediatric Plain for her better emptying bowels routine. Poor she, I think mostly is the stress and nerves, she is really close to her grandma so is taking hard about her serious sickness.

I've also discussed some psychological help for her and me as the times ahead might be tricky to take on.

So I know what's my plan for the next two weeks: looking after myself, riding my bike everywhere, swimming as much as I can squeeze in, resting my leg while reading a book, having my nails done, haircut, collecting my passport from Polish Consulate (almost half day trip), sorting H passport, cooking lovely comforting food, enjoying my garden, packing mum stuff and sending to Poland etc etc



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