The State I Am In

By Shuji


Whiling away some hours at cafés and visiting a couple of tourist attractions have recently become a way of spending a day. I'm telling myself that I'm enjoying relaxing every day, but, at heart, I have been fed up with the tedium of staying in the same city for a long time. Admittedly Kraków is a wonderful city, but ten days are too long.

Today I went to
- Nowa Prowincja, the cafe near my hostel.
- Wawel, a famous tourist attraction which consists of a cathedral and castle, etc.
- Charlotte, a bakery and cafe which serves homemade breads.

I'm suffering from 煩悩. I'm the last person to be nirvana.

25th April, 2015
The extra photos are of Wawel, and Charlotte.

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