
The sun came out just as I stopped to take this photo. It was quite something to watch the sunshine and shadows creep across the fields in front of me!
And then disappear again as I got back in the car. Perfect timing!
Tonight, for the first time in years, I am home alone!
Mr K is in Taunton with his friends for a birthday weekend and the Little Misses are having a sleepover at Nana and Papa's. Very odd!
The last time I lived alone was in Nottingham in 2003!!
Once I'd dropped the Little Misses off at Mrs S's house - and gone back to get my car to drive down with all their luggage! - I headed off to Stony Stratford to meet Mrs Z for dinner. We went to a Thai restaurant which made me want to go to Thailand!!
It was lovely to see her as always.
It felt very strange to come back to a dark and empty house. I checked for crazed, axe wielding lunatics, made myself some mint tea and jumped into my lovely big bed with it's lovely clean sheets, propped myself up on all the spare pillows and fell asleep watching a romantic film - which I could hear because I didn't have to have it on ridiculously quietly for fear of waking up the Little Misses.

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