The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Stroud Farmers' Market

..which is actually on Saturday, not Friday, but the blipfoto app has got things muddled.

I was there to help to run a stall for the WEA (workers' educational association) to publicise the forthcoming courses. Our new banner really helped: we got a lot of people coming up to reminisce about the courses they'd taught or attended in the past, or to say how thankful they were that we still exist. I do hope we'll get some moe people to attend courses, too. The course I attend is already fully booked, but that's not the case with all of them.

It turned out to be a thoroughly sociable day for me, as the Stroud Theatre Festival is in its second year, and I attended two shows, The Usherettes and In Tune with Dementia, which described a middle-aged man's experience of visiting his mother in a care home and trying to connect with her and her memories through the medium of music and song. In between shows I kept bumping into people who were attending different shows, or sometimes the same ones!

And now I must go to bed, for we're off to see a butterfly farm tomorrow, before my final show of the weekend.

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