Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy


Today was a great day filled with sunshine on this Presidents Day holiday. We took advantage of the sunshine & warmth with a trip to the park. We put training wheels on an old bike of one of my other boys & was thinking it was time for my "baby" to give up his little trike that his legs have outgrown and try out a big-boy bike. Little did I know what a surreal experience it was going to be. Seeing his biggest brother help him ride a bike brought back memories. The help was needed because this big boy bike's pedals kept locking when the pedals shifted backwards a bit, something that doesn't happen on the preschool trikes. It took a little bit for Landon to get the timing right.

I remember how many times my oldest practiced before he got the hang of it when the training wheels came off. Now seeing him help his 'baby' brother instead of me helping made me realize how life comes full circle.

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