Early morning visitors

What a difference in the weather today. The house actually felt chilly inside until the sun came around and flooded the back windows. When I opened the back door it felt warmer outside than in the house so I pulled the screen door over and left the other door open.
My husband and I were sitting on the sofa using our iPads and enjoying the sounds of the birds when all of a sudden he spotted two baby deer in the back garden. They were munching on one of our evergreens and he was about to walk out there and shoo them away when I yelled for him to wait until I got my camera.

I quietly opened the screen door and stepped out onto the porch. I had my telephoto lens on so I just focused and took a few shots. I could only get one of the deer because the other one was always moving.
I stepped onto the grass and got closer and closer and he didn't seem to care. The photo I used for my blip was as he started to move away but kept stopping to see if I was following him. It was like a game. If I moved, he moved. I stopped where I was because I didn't want to take a chance of losing the Blip.

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