Fae Jools...

I don't have many regrets in life but one was not keeping in at least semi-permanent contact with Jools.

I went to school with Julie and she was and still will be an absolutely wonderful human being. She sent me a copy of this excellent book years ago. It's the Scots Animal Alphabet and features such characters as "P, Penguins in peenies pentin pictures"* and "I, Iguana ilin an icy ingine"** after a chance encounter in Stirling where neither of us were up to much so stopped off for a coffee and chat which more or less lasted all afternoon.

She is quirky, funny and always happy. A breath of fresh air whenever I came across her.

I'm off to send a blip card off to her last known address with the link to this entry...

*Penguings in pinnies painting pictures
**Iguana oiling an icy engine

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