
Brarking News
I need to thank you for the wonderful comments and stuff you left to inspire us for the last few days. It is always grrreat fun to read comments to me as you are such a creative lot.
The Boss is in a busy mode at the moment but normal transmission will be resumed at some point and I did get a greeeat Blatathon this morning in spite of threatened rain which (not the rain but the Blatathon) was responsible for todays image. Well hang on a bit...I guess his camera was the culprit ‘Cos Blatathons don’t take photos they just entertain ME…Right. We have had a touch of sno return on the tops which is great for photo’s but requires another layer for The Boss on Blatathons. He is also seriously short on curls too.
Heh heh heh

Fly into the Mountains

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