Lakeside Drive

Interesting stuff appears when our Lake is low and this has been taking the Boss’s eye for some time. Today he decided to blip it.
One of the things that always surprises ME is that no matter how many times we Blat down this track The Boss always seems to find something to photograph. Then again I guess I always seem to find something to sniff too and the recent rain has filled lots of puddles so there’s visits there as well. It is all go except for the last couple of hundred metres back to Suzz. The Boss has started “HEAL” training again. He does this on occasion and I make adjustments to my hearing and ignore him BUT for the last couple of days the BEEF TREATS have come out and screwed my scrumble.
When he started this today I am sure if anyone had been looking they would have been very impressed.
”Look at that amazingly obedient Wheaten Terrier” They would have said.
But there was no one to notice…Just Me, The Beef Treats and The Boss who opened the baggie when we got to Suzz with a larger than usual supercilious grin.
Sigh…..I should have held out for cheese but my will power was wanting.

2nd Gear?

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