September Selfie no. 16

Caught myself mid slurp of the first mug of tea after arriving home from work!

Yes, back at work!!!

Visited the doctor this morning, unsure as to the actual bug I have had but my crp was up to a couple of hundred which means I was fighting some sort of infection, think I knew. Still feeling quite confused about the conflicting comments from the doctor and the hospital, the main thing is I feel better regardless of what it was and who said what.

I think I was missed at work, at least one colleague jumped out of their seat with excitement when I walked in. There are some politics going on but not sure how to resolve them or even if I should really be bothered.......will see how it goes but I thought it would improve as they would have to talk to each other while I was out of the office.

One colleague didn't acknowledge my presence but I'd rather that than she pretended to be concerned.

On another note the wool for the Postman Pat van pullover has arrived so happy days.

Think I need a snooze now x

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