Tutto bene

By Blackdrake


OK, this is a rubbish, blurry photo with a blurry background and a blurry cat. but that cat was sitting incredibly still, waiting and then Bam! Pounce! I only just spotted it..and ..yes, my camera was still on macro. However..it was such a swift, elegant leap into the undergrowth upon some poor wee creature/leaf/fly that I had to blip it anyway. It's that only happening once semi-made up rule.

OK...ignore this bit if you can't even bear to see the words indyref again.

Talking of only happening once, it is happening...so soon. I'm exceptionally excited and a bit apprehensive too. This article I think should be required reading before entering the ballot box for those of an undecided state of mind. I can see how hard it has been for people to make up their minds, it is easy to lose sight of the goal when being pulled hither and thither and have figures and facts change depending on whose mouth they are coming from.
For me, it has been an easy choice, it is as simple as realising that the people who make the best decisions for a country are the people who live there, they are the ones who have to live with their decisions. It is about taking control, taking responsibility, a natural progression from a devolved parliament. Proper democracy, not just for Scotland, the rest of the UK needs balance and I sincerely hope it comes.
The overriding theme I am seeing now on social media is...togetherness. Come Friday morning, no matter the outcome, we are still one country and we'll act like it.

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