Tutto bene

By Blackdrake

307 year itch

..thought that title up all by myself, only to find out it was The Independent's front page tag line...oh well.

I put my X in the box, such a simple act, takes less than a second but goodness me...I was not prepared for the emotional tidal wave that came over me, I welled up. Talking to others, it seems this is a common reaction. This is so HUGE, and not taken lightly...I've spent months researching, reading, informing myself and others.
Now we have the long, night of waiting ahead.
I realise many hope for a different outcome from the one I wish for, sadly we can't all get what we want but I sincerely hope in the long run, we get a better, more balanced and democratic Britain. This island will still be Britain, whether in political union or not, that's a geological fact!


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