Tutto bene

By Blackdrake

Comfort eating

...cake does not make it all better. However, cake made by loving daughter ,whilst I caught up on sleep after being up all night, certainly does make me feel better.

I'm sad that fear won over hope, I'm glad that democracy and the prospect of democracy brought almost record breaking numbers out to vote.
I'm sick to my core that today the usual idiots were out, albeit in small numbers, to look for fights, cause offence, trouble and spew their hatred, racism and vitriol. They are an embarrassment to all. I'm referring to the BNP/EDL etc who made their unwelcome presence felt in Glasgow today. The police were on the job and it eventually fizzled out, no one would give them the fight they wanted, they burned the Saltire flag and threw their nazi salute about, as well as a few punches. If this is how they celebrate the No win, I dare not think how it would have been with a yes majority.

I wasn't going to say any of this, I was only going to say how lovely the cake was...


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