Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Referendum support in Switzerland

Who knew politics could be so exciting. I have been buzzing all day and I seemed to be very popular at work. All day colleagues were popping in to see me to ask if I had voted and how I thought it was going to go. I have no idea.

On my way home I wanted to find something reflecting the referendum to photograph and these flags displayed outside an apartment near where I live were the only ones I could find.

It has been so bizarre living abroad during this time. Referendum news was on page 7 of the Swiss newspaper I looked at today as oppose to dominating the front covers for many weeks at home.

I skyped a couple of friends from home tonight to get a sense of the atmosphere and then went to my German class to distract myself for a bit. Talking about imaginary summer holidays (Sommerferien) was not that interesting when the political future of your home nation is at stake!

I watched a little bit of the start of the STV coverage and now my plan is to sleep and wake up at 6am Swiss time (5am UK time) to catch the tail end of the results and hope there will be a decision before I get on my train to work. I am regretting not taking the day off to do an all-nighter but my dad is on standby, ready to phone if any drama arises during the night.

Scotland has voted. Now we wait.

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