Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Belated sunset

I forgot to look for a blip until it was almost too late, so this is my offering for today. We arrived back from the States this morning, so remembering how to work a house rather than a tent, unpacking, catching up on 4 months snail mail, and inspecting the neighborhood for changes distracted me from the camera. The last couple of days travelling home have been relatively photo-free too, with lots of jobs to do cleaning up, sorting our gear into the things that go home with us, and those that stay in the car for next year. We just missed being caught in heavy rain (the tail end of a hurricane) in Arizona, where we've parked the Jeep until next season. Overcast skies with light rain weren't producing the best light for photography, apart from the distraction of wondering whether we'd get to the airport, and if we did, whether the plane would fly. I did miss one great sunset across a stormy sky when we were driving across town, with the sun setting over the hills west of Tucson. No chance to stop on the freeway, though.

I have a huge photo editing job on, as I do have lots of pics from our trip. I didn't get too much chance to work along the way, partly because the laptop goes better with power if I'm backing up to an external hard drive, and also because my partner was hogging it to write a book chapter with a coauthor in Brazil. The chapter is finished, now, and reads well, so it is good to know that travelling doesn't preclude keeping up with some normal activities.

It is great to be home again, and to see the familiar skyscape. I love open landscapes, and although we've been to some great places on this last trip and I've had superb photo opportunities, we've spent a lot of time in forests, camping among trees where I catch only a glimpse of the sky.

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