Look behind!

Such a beautiful view behind him and his eyes are on his mobile.

I had a photography accident this morning. I went for our morning dew hunt with the dogs and as I found great dewy subjects at the park I noticed my camera was home. Well you guys get something else than droplets today.

Today we celebrated my fathers birthday, which is tomorrow, but I had my camera with me at least during that trip and took this photo of this gentleman standing in the evening light. I like the rhythm of the picture.

I made two pairs of light mittens for my dad to use on his jogs. Turned out that because he doesn't have any mittens he's been jogging with garden gloves to my mom's embarrassment. So this gift was spot on!

But seriously people, when you have this beautiful surroundings enjoy them!

Best part of today is that I got my husband back from his trips. <3

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