And in the yard today.....

Are Terrier 32670, No 14 Charwelton and the Norweigian in the background.

The main running season is amost at the end. The 40 odd continuous days of operation ended at the beginning of September and now the railway only runs at weekends and occasionally during the week. This is the time now for RXDs -Railway Experience Days, when for a fee you can fire and drive a locomotive for the day.

Today was a special day for many members - this year it's the 40th anniversary of the the line being saved from ripped up and disposed. Some 140 volunteers joined the fledgling preservation society. So a special train was run for as many of those original members as could be found. Some 80 people were located and it seems over 30 are still active volunteers on the railway. That's some devotion.

I had another enjoyable day in the box at Wittersham and invited a couple of people in to watch the box being worked. First time I've done this since I passed out.

The engines in this shot have appeared in my blips before, except Charlwelton. This loco was built in 1917 and spent much of its life in the ironstone quarries near Charlwelton in Northamptonshire.

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