Getting the tatties in

I did nt like the paint even after it had dried so we went over to Wickes to get some more and have now painted the walls a lovely fudge colour that I'm pleased with. I'll use the rest of the other paint in the hallway.

It was misty until mid afternoon when it cleared when the tide went out. We drove down the Allangrange Road and came face to face with a red kite. It was quicker off the mark than I was and another car was heading our way so we had to reverse to let it pass. When we drove past again two red kites flew from one of the trees right in front of the car and joined another one in the field with a group of crows. It looked like one of the red kites had something in it's claws that the others wanted.

We watched them for a while and then drove on and I took a photo of this tractor and trailer collecting tatties from the field in front of the Knockbain Parish Church in Munlochy.

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