
By scribbler


The communion of saints hears the word of God at Trinity Cathedral.

The Gospel: "So the last will be first, and the first last." {Matthew 20:1-16]
This is a tricky parable.

Afterward at coffee hour a flash mob sang Alleluias.



There is proclamation, and there is revelation.
There is a message for all, and there is a message for each.

The message for me today was the reminder that it's important to come to church even when I don't feel like it so that when the service has a special blessing for me I will be there to receive it. This is the nature of a spiritual practice. In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali tells us to practice earnestly and faithfully for a long time. The blessings don't necessarily come overnight (though they might). My job is to show up, participate with focus, trust the process, and keep coming back.

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