
By CoffeePotter

Mono Monday - Music

This was I believe the first "proper" album that I ever bought, if you discount the cheap compilations that were about 7/6 in old money (37.5 pence today). They weren't called "albums" back then though, they were LPs (Long Players). An album was something you stuck your best photos in after your holidays.

I loved this LP, which I think I bought in 1969 or 1970, and played it over and over again continuously - my parents must have been driven mad.

I also loved the cover and still think it is one of the best album covers I've ever seen. If you've never come across it before, you may have to look at it for a few moments. Most people initially see a lion's head, but if you stare at it for a little while a whole new picture will emerge.

This is my contribution to the Mono Monday Music challenge hosted by wetcoastbob. Thanks again Bob.

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