A manky old tennis ball

This afternoon Ann stripped off and lay on our sun terrace in the sunshine and do you know what? ……………….It was actually too hot for her. Can you believe that? It’s almost the end of September and it’s still mega hot.

Anyway she said, ‘Molly, let’s go for your walk along the coast path. There’ll be a nice cool breeze there.’ So that is what we did.

And just look what I found……………….. A horrible manky tennis ball.

I took it straight to Ann and dropped it at her feet so that she could throw it for me. But do you know what she said? ………………….She said, ‘Molly, I don’t even want to touch that manky old tennis ball, let alone play with it. You can play with it yourself.’

So I played at dropping it and picking it up and I carried it for ages. But then I saw a grouse or pheasant (or whatever hangs out in ferns??) flying into the middle of the ferns so I dropped the manky old tennis ball and went into chase mode.

It’s very difficult to chase things in ferns ‘cos I'm not able to run. When I’m in chase mode in ferns I bounce from one spot to another, rather like a hurdle athlete. Needless to say I didn’t catch anything.

……………………And I’d spent so long bouncing around in the ferns that I couldn’t remember where I’d left the manky old tennis ball. ………….So I didn’t even get to bring it home and add it to my ball collection. Boohoo.

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