Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Stocking up

It was after 11.00 by the time I woke. I'd been a bit restless during the night, mainly because of the awkwardness of the wrist restraint and the sling and an inherent concern about rolling into a position which wouldn't be good for me or the wrist. We didn't get our normal Hollyoaks fix (must have been on earlier than usual), but we stumbled on a good old black and white movie which whiled away the time (Obsession, an enjoyable thriller from 1949). We had a pizza and watched some more TV before heading out to fill my prescription and buy in some convenience food to stock up my larder for the week ahead. Carl had my car since Friday evening, and did the driving. We were back at my place by 4.00 pm, he stayed for one drink and headed off to catch the DART home.

I rested, watched some TV (not much on worth watching, though), and tried to do some reading. It's 2.20 am on Monday the 30th as I write this. As well as wanting to get things up to date here (see here and here), I was anxious to find out how I'd manage with keyboard and mouse, since one of my regular, quarterly, jobs is just coming together and I need t know if the wrist injury will affect my ability to work on it. Typing isn't too bad because it involves mainly the tips of the fingers, but I can see the mouse causing a problem. I may need to invest in a cheapy trackball job to tide me over.

It's reassuring, though, that I won't be cut off from Blipland. Sad, too, that I actually asked the ambulance man to take a photo of me on the way to the hospital, because I felt a need to document things for blip purposes. Meanwhile I'm back at home sweet home after my traumatic weekend (though in my case it's still more a case of Home Messy Home, and may have to remain like that for a while).

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