David J. Rose

By djrose007

Serious Pondering!

During my convalescence I've been starting the bike every couple of weeks to remind it what it is supposed to sound like. Never a problem, first whirr of the starter would see it burst into life and I'd let it run for 10-15 minutes.

On Saturday I started back at the Jet Age Museum so went out about 0845, all togged up in my bike gear. Pulled the choke back, pressed the starter and it started as usual. Then I made the fatal mistake, with this bike, of moving the throttle while the choke was still out.
Died, dead, and not willing to be resurrected since!
I had the plugs out on Sunday, they were wet as expected. Dried, a little rub with wet&dry, no joy. Took them out again this morning, cleaned them again but left them out and covered the plug holes with rags so no rubbish falls in. I'll give them 48 hours to dry out, maybe the carbs are flooded so a couple of days might see them drain.

The pondering bit comes because I'm sure it's the carbs at fault. They are worn but do I spend around £100.00 on a second hand set, or an overhaul kit, or do I get it started again and sell it to someone who really knows what they are doing with bikes?
I made another mistake yesterday when I went to Cheltenham. On the way back I popped into the Harley Davidson showroom and fell in love with a Fat Boy - No, he wasn't a salesman!!

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