Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Close, but no cigar

Tomorrow is the last flight for 2014 of the Vulcan bomber, with a circular tour of the airfields that were used by the Vulcan, Victor and Valient planes during the Cold War. I plan on trying to see it, but was surprised to see from Twitter that it was also flying today. Apparently this was not a public display but was something for winners of a raffle, so no details of where it was flying. Tantalisingly, the tracker App showed it on a path towards my house so I got my camera out and waited to see if it would come over. Sadly (for me) it got as far as Northampton, about 20 miles away, and spent about two hours flying round between there, Kettering and Long Buckby. I hope the people round there appreciated it!

Never mind. Tomorrow is another day.......

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