From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

LOLing about /Don't blame me!

I was watching breakfast TV before heading out the door this morning and the weather girl on ITV (the one that looks like Princess Kate) said 'Don't forget your brolly as you might see a shower or two today!'

She wasn't kidding! By the time I got to McDonalds I was like a drowned rat despite the brolly and the rain had risen up my legs soaking through my black work jeans. I nearly slid over in my own puddle when I left with my tea.

My side door was already wide open so I gratefully slunk in. By the way, I wore my old walking boots to work today as I didn't want to ruin my new ones yet! I'll be taking them to Scotland with me at the weekend though and will have to wear them then regardless.

I had to write a very strongly worded email first thing in response to a help desk call. A lady at one of the schools was complaining that she couldn't do any work as she couldn't log onto Oracle anymore. She'd been using the previous bursar's login as no one had been bothered to ask for a new account to be set up. It's totally wrong to use someone else's Oracle account and is a sin punishable by a public flogging in front of the council house! Slight exaggeration but I am supposed to take a hard line as an Oracle Sys Admin person.

I copied in Yvonne, the Schools HR lady and she made me laugh when she rang me later. She said 'OMG Roz!' as her first words. Apparently, my email was quite scary!

I remarked at the end of the conversation that no one had ever said 'OMG!' to me down the phone before. At least she hadn't said 'LOL!' That does drive me mad. Before I got trendy - snigger - I used to think LOL meant 'Lots of love' and used to think how sweet it was when people sent me emails with 'LOL' in, especially the rather nice contractor who lived in Poole and only came in once a month. I told Yvonne that and she was still laughing when she put the phone down later... Sigh!

I got the main detail sheet of my main new report done before I ran off to the hairdressers for my curly perm later.

That was all for today. Yesterday's squirrel was hanging upside down eating nuts again when I got back. His stomach ache yesterday was clearly gone. Lots of tits were around too.

Go large!

P.S. I was joking about the perm and asked for it to be cut how it would look in two weeks time as usual. I hate looking like I've been to the hairdressers. LOL!

Track? I heard this in the shower this morning. I didn't dance though as I am still limping from the last time I did that.... Blame It On Me

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