
The fens and fen edges have many derelict or partly derelict barns - ideal subjects for Sarum Stroller's derelict Thursday. So fa I haven't had time to go and hunt them out - and this image was almost accidental, taken while working on an area of brownfield land next to the East Coast main line. After all it's not often that you get a chance to capture a Vulcan flying over - this was the object of my photograph and I only realised that the barn was derelict afterwards. I processed it to give a somewhat aged look, which would accentuate the age of the Vulcan (first manufactured in 1956 and taken out of service in 1985).

Thanks so much for the response to yesterday's sunset which reached the Spotlight. It was a bitttersweet moment. I would love to have another puppy to keep me company, but at the moment it's probably not a good idea. Rosie and Gemma were acquired at a time when the boys were young, we were home educating and my mother was living with us, so they were virtually never left alone. The boys are now grown up and who knows where they will be over the next few years. Pete and I are still busy with work, and potentially expanding the business to include Chris and Alex. Dogs hate being alone and I couldn't take on that responsibility without being sure a puppy had the best possible life. There will be time later - perhaps when life has settled a bit and I'm ready to move into semi-retirement! In the meantime Rosie is doing OK - and enjoyed a tiny tin of premium cat food tonight. We have to spoil her while we can!

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