
By kevinG

RIP Trish Schussler

Woke up and are breakfast.

Worked on my Advertising project.

Took pictures for Photo in the backyard of the swing set. I climbed on the roof of the playground to get one picture and took some pictures with my phone, too. This was a nice one.

Took pictures of Willy for Photo.

Took a shower.

Mom made me grilled cheese for lunch.

Biked to Crossfit. I was the only person in the class with Shawn.

“The Split Jerk”
Split Jerk 
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
For weight (115)
10-minute AMRAP of:
2 Clean and Jerks (@50% of 1RM)
10 Burpees over the Bar
(I got 6 rounds)

Took some pictures of the kettle bells for Photo.

Biked home. Ate some ice cream.

Went out to dinner with Dad. He told me he broke up with Taylor. I ate chicken fajitas.

Went to see The Drop, James Gandolfini's last movie. It wasn't that good.

Dad dropped me off at Old Mill. Mom was crying because her friend Trish Schussler died. She'd been battling cancer for a while. I didn't really know Trish but the stories about her make her seem really nice.

Finished the ice cream.

Going to bed now.


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