
By kevinG

Bear on a Log

Woke up and took a shower.

Ate breakfast.

Dad picked me up and dropped me off for a hike.

Hike Highlights: Saw the Mystery Machine. Jack Bruno got hit by two bikers on the path. Saw a cool new plant. Decided that all bees shall forever be referred to as bumbles because it sounds way cooler. Didn't have to carry around anything because I didn't bring food or water. Put rocks in people's packs to weigh them down without them noticing. Saw that bear drawing on a log (pictured).

Hike Lowlights: Secondhand cigar smoke. Rob got stung by a bumble. People kept offering me food and water (a nice gesture but it gets annoying fast). James put sand down my shirt and it stuck to me irritatingly for the rest of the hike. Hike was very slow.

Mr. Quail drove me home.

A guy claiming to be a Verizon (phone provider) rep came to the door at Old Mill and asked if my parents were home. I said "not right now" and he said he'd come back another time. Then there was a sketchy white van outside of the house that didn't seem to have a purpose. It said Stress-Less Homes on it and the phone number was (347) 249-9516, a Brooklyn area code. I couldn't find the company online. This is weird to me because this is the way my 6th grade teacher was robbed years ago by a fake Verizon representative. I hid my wallet just in case.

Made myself a tuna salad sandwich.

Lounged around for a while.

Dad eventually picked me up and we went to Park.

I ordered filet mignon hibachi from Mt. Fuji. It was amazing.

Dad and I watched Shark Tank.

Going to bed now.


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