Busy day

Happy Birthday Corin !

If you didn't see it, I backblipped for yesterday this morning, after not being able to get onto blip last night (oh the panic!).

The others from today, and yesterday, are here.

Woke up relatively early (for me, given it was Saturday) and Corin brought us both a brew, then we sat in bed whilst Corin opened his cards and presents.

Up, bacon butties for my boys, and then out we went to the hotel where the wedding will be 6 weeks today. An hour later, and pretty much everything is done now except for Corin and I to decide on what food we're all having and for me to do the dreaded seating plan. So, those of you who read this who are coming to the wedding, know this, you'll sit where I put you and that's the end of it. If you don't like it, you'll just have to buy plenty of beer and get hammered! Tee hee. Honestly though I am mixing everyone up, family and friends...you won't be sat down for that long because you will all be dancing in the evening :-)

Poor Corin, I think he was a bit bemused by it all - me being "Mrs Organised" with my list of questions...tick, tick, tick. At least James and Coz were positively excited about the 4 ceremonial swords that were hanging on the wall. More excitement ensued when I told them that we had to choose one for cutting the cake with....Number 3, definitely Number 3.

Then off to Corin's folk's house - had a sit down on the motorbike that was mine for a while, and decided it felt good. Corin's Dad was positively encouraging me to have it back and I think I want it. Maybe. The desire to get back on a bike has returned.

A few photos, including the shed in the back garden (I need a photo of the shed, but that will become apparent why I need it in a few weeks time). The shed was the scene of much of our early "courtship" i.e. me and Coz sat on the motorbikes, in the shed, with the calor gas fire for warmth, drinking tea and watching telly and stuff (to you imagination I will leave that one, but it isn't as smutty as some of you might think, Mr Smith!)

Home, enchiladas, made some egyptian musical instruments out of pringles tubs, rice and chickpeas (because Pringles WERE around in Ancient egypt no matter what anyone tells you!) and then took Jimbo to a friend's house for a sleepover. Had a jolly good natter with Sam, put the world to rights, bitched about ex's, drank tea and had a giggle, and now I am home, ready for a child free evening with Corin.

So I am off to retrieve him from Shed 2 (i.e the Summerhouse!)

Chocolate, wine and snuggly sofa time due to start in 1 hour :-)

happy days

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