Where'd they go?!

Someone ate all of my cherry lips.

Oh yeah. That would be me. It was definitely a bad idea to have them in my office.

Just going to have to order another tub of them now, and maybe a tub for my bro as he lurves them too.

8 pieces of coursework left, and project plan for my Year 9's then I am cooked.

James is poorly sick - although I am not sure it is a bug, I suspect it is something to do with staying at his friend's house, staying up late, waking up around 5 this morning and generally being giddy. Picked him up at 9.45 after a phone call from Sam to say that James had been sick. He's since been sleeping, on and off, on his futon in his bedroom. I think I am probably being harsh - he is pale, clammy and has a bit of a temp, and doesn't want anything to eat. I have seen him like this once before though and he was just utterly exhausted - so hopefully sleep will do the trick.

But he IS going to school tomorrow morning ...I am a bad mother! I need to go to work to get all this coursework out of my home office!

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