The Way Through The Woods

I can't say that I find overcast skies inspiring. The latest edition of Outdoor Photographer suggested that using a polarising filter would enhance Autumn colours so Basil and I went to The Outwoods in search of some.

Little change in two weeks in fact, although leaves are falling steadily. Since it was so dark, I had to put the camera on a tripod to use a longish exposure through the filter. I still had to pull contrast out in post processing.

Mild day though. We rounded off the afternoon with a circuit of Nanpantan Reservoir where I had a nice chat with the lady bailiff. She's spotted a mink up by the bridge and will have to contact Severn Trent to deal with it or else there will be no carp left.

There was a dragonfly in our garden earlier. I hope it found the pond.

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