Plus ça change...

By SooB


During the unpacking of stuff from Scotland, our fancy (wedding present) chopstick sets have emerged. CarbBoy took a liking to this set and tonight we finally had the much requested 'Chinese food' (in quotes as it was sweet and sour chicken which is probably not very authentic). I liked it. TallGirl didn't. CarbBoy claimed to like it but, given that he insisted on eating out of the tiny condiment bowl, it's hard to see how he ate very much.

I have to say, the dinner fails really get me down. Though on the plus side, this only took 20 minutes to make.

Terrible sleep last night. I woke with a start at 1.30 convinced Mr B had just called my name (unlikely unless he - in Shepherds Bush - had a very big megaphone). So that was weird. Then awake again an hour later after a horrible scary dream about CarbBoy on an out of control quad bike. Sounds daft typing it now!

A friend in Scotland used to ask every mother she met 'what did you do for you today?' I thought of her as I donned an impractical 'I have no work today' outfit and strolled around town. I was told I was a beautiful lady, which was lovely even if my admirer was peering out from under his pushchair hood.

The main delight was the new cheese shop recently opened with an astonishing range including Stilton - which the man took great pains to tell me was very good and I should try it, and then later finding some chocolate dipping tools which I've had on my 'to buy' list for a while. Just having time to wander in the sunshine with no flooring, screws or damp proof membrane on my shopping list was a luxury. A brief escape from the endless to do list at home.

Then lunch, and house tidying. The kids have been banned from telly and devices until they make an effort at tidying their rooms. That probably seems cruel, but it is the end (please let it be the end) of a long and painful battle. We currently have a minor mouse invasion and clear floors are essential in the fight against them.

Lovely hot sunny day today.

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