From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

At least I am in the right country again!

I found it so difficult to get up this morning. Everything ached and I wished I'd packed all my stuff yesterday. No energy. I had to swap the top I was going to travel in for something with looser sleeves as my flu jab arm had swollen up like a rugby ball! Washing my hair in the shower was not fun at all.

I know just how Samson must have felt when Delilah chopped his hair off. It's been a real effort today. Always worth it though and like a phoenix from the ashes, I will rise again. I might give the West Kirk a miss tonight though and mom's Prosecco is giving me indigestion!

Today's picture was taken without much enthusiasm once over the border into Scotland. It wasn't as grim as it looks. There was a big grey patch to the left while ahead and to the right there was bright sunshine!

That's it for now.

Track? Here's one I haven't heard for a while from UFO - Doctor Doctor

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