wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

The morning after

I awoke in a daze.........
I had that awful feeling of a night of bad behavior. You know the kind you want to smile about but you can't......
You have the shame of betrayal., of feeling it's just wrong......
Damn you Oreos damn you!!!!

I went to Goodwill today ( a charity shop as some of my international friends say). There were a gazillion cameras. Old digital, ones, film ones. I was overwhelmed and didn't know what I was looking at but the guy standing next to me did. It occurred to me that I needed a very inexpensive little digital to tuck in my pocket and if I lose it I won't feel bad. If I am on a boat, I can relax a little.
Ok now I know you that have expensive high tech cameras will laugh but, these digital cameras were 3.50 each. I bought a little vivitar ( I know cheap but, it was 350!) there were so many I need to go back tomorrow and look again. There were also a ton of lenses and stuff. I have to go back.....
There was a woman with six children with her. They were extremely ill behaved. I watched them empty a shelf in minutes.
I was actually looking for something heavy to weigh down the tops of my canning jars.
You see, I am going to make lactofermented radishes. Sounds great doesn't it? Actually, I am addicted to the ones I bought and I am wondering if I can make my own. We sliced up ( on a mandolin very thin) three bunches of radishes. Tomorrow I stuff them in jars and wait for them to froth.
Admit it you are jealous.

Tomorrow we perform at a fundraiser for the animal refuge league. Called Paws in the park. It will be fun I am sure!

Early am so I am off to bed....
Sweet dreams to the north and a pleasant G'day to down under.

I was going to blip an Oreo but, I am too ashamed

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