Lake Hayes

Walking. Wonderful, as I haven’t been out for a couple of weeks and it was grrreat to meet my friends.
It was a truly grrreat day and we went over the hill…Errr some of my friends are well “over the hill” already so this repeat trip would have been very familiar to them and this was the scene when we arrived. The Boss stopped Suzz and used his non fruit camera altho the Fruity one would have rendered the scene the same and given ME, 4 additional minutes of walk time. The Post walk event in Arrowtown was complicated by a team of blokes tar sealing the bark road but a nice waving man, I think he was directing traffic, suggested The Boss drive up the wrong side of the road to get accesss to parking in the shade for me. The Boss did, and you should have heard the yelling from the other blokes who were not party to this decision. The Boss ignored it and parked in the shade so I had a zzz and THEY devoured ice cream in the biggest “one scoop” the Boss had ever seen purchased by “My Friend Peter” who’s neck still tastes the same.
Tomoro will be BAD. The Boss will be sorting 222 images into the correct order for showing Thursday and printing award cards and stuff. I am not sure that dogs will feature in this at all so it may be plan B…B for Bed.
Heh heh heh
The Hills are alive with the smell of IceCream

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