
By sweetie

Last night in NYC

A lazy day in Central Park. We enjoyed the obligatory hot dog and then lay on the grass the Meadow for a while. A stroll back via the new York Public Library and then the dreaded packing.

Hubby fell asleep early due a migraine. Unfortunately these events are usually paired with guttural snoring, so I went out onto the terrace for a break.

The UN Summit has been in town this week and there have been random road closures and official looking black sedans blocking the roads outside hotels. A furore broke out when the NYPD closed not just 48th Street and Lexington Avenue, but also the pavements - meaning absolutely nothing could get through. The locals were not happy at being held behind barriers and there was quite a bit of yelling back and forth with the police officers. Finally a determined chap on rollerblades broke through and, giving the cops the finger, whizzed down Lexington Avenue which he now had all to himself.

Finally a convoy passed and then traffic was allowed through. I took some hand held long exposures (I like the challenge!) before turning in for the night.

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