
S & I were joined by D, Mrs D and little D for the evening. Little D found the ducks most amusing. He kept chasing them with an outstretched finger. He fell down on hard ground, but was completely undeterred. He was ready to even jump into the pool, perhaps imagining himself as one of them. It should be great fun to take pictures of him if the light is good.

I rediscovered my love for first principles. I am too late perhaps, but I shall not forget them. I also got to know something about trembling chins. And not only that it is involuntary.

And before I forget to mention it, we went for My name is Khan last evening. The director and cast are known for making films that are largely commercial in nature and so my expectations were low. Definitely one of the reasons that contributed to my liking it. But in absolute terms too, I think it's quite good. Lot of parallels with Forrest Gump, if you ask me. Followed it up with loads of chocolate. There might just be such a thing as enough chocolate.

Of to try my hand at bit of cooking now.

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